Sacrifice^3 Mac OS
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Too Long A Sacrifice #3 (Drumond Cover)
The DS9 murder mystery continues in this new space noir from David Tipton & Scott Tipton (Star Trek: Mirror Broken, Star Trek: The Q Conflict) and Greg Scott (Gotham Central, The X-Files)! As Odo forges a fragile working relationship with the past-his-prime investigator the Federation sent to help, new suspects emerge amidst a rising body count. But just when the team thinks they're getting close to the culprit, a shocking discovery changes everything!
Published in 2000 for the Windows 98 platform (and in the following year for Mac OS 9.2), Sacrifice is a real-time strategy video game that incorporates elements of the action genre. Players control wizards, looking over their characters from behind. Each match starts the player with a wizard and an altar. At the end of the day, it’s the Mac software – more than anything – that keeps brand loyalists coming back to the Jony Ive-designed hardware being cranked out behind the doors of Apple Park. There is a breadth of apps available on the App Store in 2018 so, suffice to say, the best Mac apps might not all tickle your fancy.