Thery Mac OS

There are a number of packages out there that put a nice GUI over creating and managing SSH tunnels on Mac OS X. While these are great if you aren't already familiar with SSH, how to do this all from the command line and really aren't interested in learning, if you are, they may be. SwiffCore is a Mac OS X and iOS framework that renders vector shapes and animations stored in the SWF format. It also provides basic support for bitmaps, fonts, text, and MP3 streams. It isn't a Flash runtime. It doesn't enable you to run your interactive Flash games on iOS.


Theory Mac Os Download

There are a number of packages out there that put a nice GUI over creating and managing SSH tunnels on Mac OS X. While these are great if you aren’t already familiar with SSH, how to do this all from the command line and really aren’t interested in learning, if you are, they may be a bit of overkill and may be a bit restrictive in what you can do.

I finally got a Mac at work (my company’s Corp IT group is becoming a bit more enlightened and accepting that more than just Windows exists in the world) and I want a simple way to spin up SSH tunnels, close them down not have to keep a terminal window open for them. My solution is to wrap some Applescript around the SSH commands and launch my tunnels from the script menu on the menu bar.

When the tunnel is created, a window will pop up giving you the pid of the ssh process and a button to close the tunnel. When click the “Close Tunnel” button, the tunnel is shutdown by killing (with the mean -9, chose the signal you want) the ssh process.

Mac Os Mojave

Now my most common need/desire for a tunnel is to listen to my music stored at home on my machine at work. At home I use Firefly Media Server to share my library so I just want to tap into that at work. A quick google search shows the steps to do this:
  • Use dns-sd to register a daap servers on local host
  • Create an ssh tunnel from localhost to the remote daap stream
The script is (my ssh tunnel bounces through a couple of different hosts):

do shell script 'dns-sd -P my-music _daap._tcp local 3690 localhost.local. Arbitrary &> /dev/null & echo $!'
set dnssdpid to the result
do shell script 'ssh -4 -A -L 3690:localhost:9999 ssh -l remoteuser -A -L 9999:localhost:9998 ssh -A -N -L 9998:localhost:3689 &> /dev/null & echo $!'
set sshpid to the result
display dialog 'Music Tunneldns-sd PID is: ' & dnssdpid & 'ssh PID is: ' & sshpid buttons {'Close Tunnel'}
do shell script 'kill -9 ' & sshpid & ' ' & dnssdpid

This script starts both dns-sd and the ssh tunnel and when closes them both down when the “Close Tunnel” button is clicked.

To run this easily, enable the Script Menu in the menu bar (via AppleScript Editor preferences) and put the script in~/Library/Scripts.

Mac Os Versions

Mac developers have pushed out roughly 3,000 OS X-native applications since the operating system’s March 2001 debut. However, many of those programs run on both OS 9 and OS X–“understandable. PostgreSQL is a sophisticated open-source Object-Relational DBMS. I use it a lot in my application development, and it, too, is required by Bricolage. I was a bit concerned about how well it would compile and work on Mac OS X, but I needn’t have worried. First of all, Apple has provided some pretty decent instructions. Showing posts with label Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Showing posts with label Mac OS X Snow Leopard. Wednesday, November 9, 2016. MacBook 2,1 (2007): Mac OS X Snow Leopard: Installing rEFInd. Analytic number theory (1) Anamorphic format (1) Anatomy (1).