Tand Mac OS

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  2. Tand Mac Os X
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  • Emojis displayed on iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and Apple TV use the Apple Color Emoji font installed on iOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. Some Apple devices support Animoji and Memoji.Two Private Use Area characters are not cross-platform compatible but do work on Apple devices: Apple logo Beats 1 logo New emojis from Emoji 13.1 are now available in iOS 14.5.

Personality-wise, Mac OS-tan is short-tempered, and is known to throw memorable fits of insane rage when angered. Aside from her platinum-white bodysuit and apple adornment on her head, another memorable feature is the bomb she usually carries based on the standard Macintosh error dialog.

This is a TWAIN datasource for MacOS X that aquires images using theSANE backend libraries. The SANE backend libraries provide access to alarge range of scanners connected through SCSI or USB. For a completelist see the documentation on the SANE project homepage. Itworks with my HP SCSI scanner, and many people have reported successwith a large number of different scanners. The feedback from usershave helped the SANE developers to fix problems with various backends,so with each release of the SANE backends more of the MacOS X specificproblems have been solved.

The TWAIN SANE interface is not a standalone application. It isdesigned to be used from within other applications. It works withapplications supporting the TWAIN specification, which includes mostapplications on Mac OS X that handles images. However using it withApple‘s Image Capture application has become increasingly tricky withevery version of Mac OS X. You will have an easier experience if youchoose any other application.

The TWAIN SANE Interface is provided as a binary package and as sourcecode. To use the interface you only have to install the binarypackage. Before installing the TWAIN SANE Interface package you shouldinstall the libusb and the sane-backends binary packages.

There is also a optional SANE Preference Pane package available, whichmakes it easier to configure the sane-backends drivers. If you don’tinstall this package you can still configure the sane-backends using atext editor in the Terminal.

If you have trouble making it work, please consult the list of frequently asked questions.

If you want to compile the sources you also have to install thegettext package. If you are cross-compiling using the MacOS Xcross-compilation SDKs you need to install the corresponding SDKs forthe used packages.

You are welcome to contact me at mattias.ellert@physics.uu.seif you want to have more information about the TWAIN SANE Interface,or if you want to submit bug reports, localizations errors,suggestions for improvments or patches.

The latest version is 3.6.

Mattias Ellert


VersionInstallerSourcesProject Homepage
TWAIN SANE Interface3.6http://www.ellert.se/twain-sane/
SANE Preference Pane1.6http://www.ellert.se/twain-sane/
SANE backends1.0.25http://www.sane-project.org/
libusb0.1.13 betahttp://www.libusb.org/

Mac Os Download

Older versions.

Release Notes

TWAIN SANE Interface version 3.6, 2017-05-26

  • Compiled for macOS 10.9 or later.

SANE Preference Pane version 1.6, 2017-05-27

Tand Mac Os X

  • Compiled for macOS 10.6 or later

sane-backends version 1.0.25, 2017-05-22

  • Compiled for macOS 10.9 or later
  • Stop building SDK packages

libusb version 0.1.13 beta, 2016-11-02

  • Compiled for macOS 10.9 or later
  • Stop building SDK packages

gettext version, 2017-05-21

  • Compiled for macOS 10.7 or later
  • Stop building SDK packages


The TWAIN SANE Interface has been localized to the followinglanguages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian andSwedish. For most of the translation it relies on the localizationsupport in the SANE backend libraries.

If you want to provide localization support for a different language you arewelcome to do that. What you should do is the following:

  • You might want to check with me that I did not already recieve thelocalization for your language from someone else...
  • First check if there exists a file called/usr/local/share/locale/〈langcode〉/LC_MESSAGES/sane-backends.mocontaining the localizations for the SANE backend libraries for your language.If there is no such file you must first localize the SANE backend libraries.For more information about this see theSANE project homepage.
  • Download the TWAIN SANE Interface source code.
  • After unpacking the source tarball you will find in it a directory called src.In this directory there is one language project directory for each language(English.lproj, Swedish.lproj, etc.). In these directories there are two filescalled InfoPlist.strings and Localizable.strings.
  • You should create your own copy of these two files and change the translations.These files contain several lines of the type 'key' = 'value'. Do not changethe keys, but translate the values. Note that these files should be in theUTF-8 encoding.
  • There is also a set of language project files in the pkg/Resourcesdirectory. These contain localization files for the Installer called.If you want you can also provide localized versions of these. Thesefiles are also of the 'key' = 'value' type and should also be in theUTF-8 encoding.
  • Send the files to me, and I will include them in my next release.

Mattias Ellert